Thursday, April 5, 2012

Media Introductions
In a country that is engaged with the media 24 hours a day-billboards, commercials, television shows, movies, magazines- it is no surprise the media has great control over Americans. How we feel, think, act, dress are all, however undetected by the people, influenced by the media. It can be worrisome then, to think of the impact that the media has on half of its audience; women. The portrayal of women in the media has many effects on females of all ages, and many of those effects are negative.

The Effect of Media on Young Girls
Dove's Campaign for Real Beauty demonstrates the constant exposure to the media children face and what may happen to young girls if their parent's allow the media to influence them. 

Dove. Advertisement. 2007. You Tube. Web. 10 Apr. 2012.

Dana, an eight  year old girl with anorexia, demonstrates a real life scenario of what can happen if parents allow the media to "talk" to their child first.

Dana, The 8 Year Old AnorexicYou Tube. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2012.

The Effect of Media on Teenage Girls
A comical video, written and directed by Jesse Rosten, shows the impossible standards the media presents to teenagers and women. 

Rosten, Jesse. "Fotoshop by AdobĂ©." Fotoshop by AdobĂ©. Jesse Rosten, 2012. Web.
     4 Apr. 2012. <>.

Dove's Campaign for Real Beauty interviews, with teenage girls, show the pressure girls feel to fit a certain mold of perfection, which the media has made and girl's self esteem when they don't reach that perfection.

Dove. Advertisement. 2010. You Tube. Web. 4 Apr. 2012.

The Effect of Media on Older Women
The pressure women face to appear the way the media portrays women is overwhelming. This Dove campaign for real beauty video shows the impossible standards women are trying to live up to.

Dove. Advertisement. 2006. You Tube. Web. 1 Apr. 2012.

The pressure on women, put on by the media, causes women to go to extreme and dangerous measures in attempt to reach an impossible standard. This interview with a mother who has, through cosmetic surgeries, clung to the last piece of youth she can. She gets surgeries in hopes to look like her daughter.

McCabe, Mitch. Youth Knows No PainYou Tube. HBO, 2009. Web. 10 Apr. 2012.


The Media's influences on females of all ages is undeniable. Many people are aware of the pressure girls feel to appear young and beautiful. The specific effects to the pressure girls feel are less known...